Galaxy Electro-Mining Manufatures (Pty) Ltd strives to become market leaders in the supply of new and replacement parts for the mining industries
Improve and empower workplace skills and develop processes that will conform to and exceed the industry quality standards in order to achieve Global competitiveness.
The organisation originally trading as Galaxy Electrical which was established on the 13th of May 1976. Galaxy Electro - Mining Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd was registered on the 4th of August 2005 and commenced trading under the new name on the 1st of March 2006. The changes took place under the leadership and experienced guidance of Nikistratos Parousis who was solely responsible for the manufacturing of armature winding electric motor repairs (AC & DC) transformers and welding machines.
During 1983/4 whilst sanctions were imposed on South African trade relations with the global market, Joy Mining Machinery sought local suppliers to manufacture some of the products imported from America at that time. Galaxy Electrical was approached and was requested to develop and manufacture a prototype 80kVA transformer. The product conformed to all customer specifications, which gave Joy South Africa the confidence to recognise Galaxy Electrical as a locally approved supplier to manufacture custom transformers. Other product lines included traction switches and DC contactors as detailed in the profile. Galaxy Electrical pioneered the manufacturing of these products and was at the time the sole supplier to Joy South Africa. For Galaxy Electrical to meet Joy South Africa's high quality demands it became necessary to cancel all armature winding orders with other customers. These changes in product development and manufacturing lasted until the sanctions were lifted in the early 1990's.
Globalisation forced Galaxy Electrical to review their business positioning in the market place and in order to recover past business, Galaxy Electrical had to approach the mines directly to sustain current operations. With a small modification to the test rigs which were designed by the late Russel Raphael (an engineer and former engineer from Joy SA, to be able to test transformers under full load. Galaxy Electrical was now able to repair both system 1 & 2 firing packs and SCR bridges for the coal mines. At the same time the quality of the transformers, DC contactors, and traction switches were improved to meet global standards.
This fine-tuned operation was recognised by Sasol, who used the services and expertise of Galaxy Electrical to ensure that the 1OOkVA and 80kVA transformer designs were approved by the SABS.
Anglo-America Operations (Thermal Coal) also asked Galaxy Electrical to test a locally manufactured DC contactor. The tests were successful. Owing to this success Galaxy Electrical became an approved supplier of Joy South Africa products to Sasol and to Anglo-America Operations (Thermal Coal). The Galaxy Electrical technical team, under the Engineer, is studying ways and means of effectively improving and upgrading the existing firing packs and bridges.
Galaxy Electro-Mining Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd, a South African organisation recognises the BEE component and requirements and therefore incorporated a BSc Hon – PDI graduate with more than 20 years of intellectual property and experience in Industrial Technology and Management to satisfy not only the equity requirements, but to demonstrate a united and empowered team approach in business excellence and growth so as to exceed customer expectations.
The organization proudly acknowledges and announces the availability of a BSc Electrical Engineer as a consultant. His 21 years experience as Design and Implementation engineer covers:
a) Electrical drives and drive systems from fractional horsepower to megawatts
b) Control systems and
c) Instrumentation and harsh environment computing.
His vast knowledge includes but is not limited to some of the well known GEC and AEG industrial drives and mine winders. We also have a resident engineer skilled in microprocessor systems, analogue and digital electronics and power electronics.
The in-house team is qualified in the repairing and upgrading of mining machine electronic disciplines and holds extensive experience in the fault diagnostics of DC Drives.
The organisation is committed to produce and to secure timeous delivery of quality products to meet customer requirements. Key benefits include a quick turn around time which ensures customer optimised capital expenditure in purchasing the required ratio of electronic units to support their operations.
The organisation's core business is the manufacturing and refurbishing of transformers, switchgear, DC contactors, and traction foot switches. Joy Mining Machinery, previously known as Joy Manufacturing, was instrumental in pioneering Galaxy Electro-Mining Manufacturer's introduction to the manufacturing of switchgears for their continuous miners and shuttle cars which are presently used in the Coal Mining Industry.
Galaxy Electro-Mining Manufacturers has added an additional component to their business, therefore expanding its offering with a synergistic marketing strategy to become a key player and market leader in the repair of DC Drives for both analogue & the microprocessor driven system II. The objective of this added service broadens the customer base and opens new doors to greater opportunities.
The deployment of the quality management system will be instrumental in creating a sound and solid base in order to highlight and eradicate any non-conformities during the repair and manufacturing processes.
The key quality management principles, coupled with the intellectual property of experienced staff, ensures that Galaxy Electro-Mining Manufacturers provide COST EFFECTIVE value for customer investment capital and ultimately return on investment.